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About Newcastle Quran School

Newcastle Quran School is an established Quran teaching school located in Newcastle upon Tyne UK. The school is run by a group of highly qualified Quran teachers who are keen on teaching Quran memorisation and recitation to Muslims in the UK and abroad. After seven successful years and more than 290 learners memorising one chapter (juz’) to the entire Holy Quran, we’ve decided to expand our reach and start our online school to serve the wider Muslim community in the UK. We teach students how to master reciting the Quran using ‘Al Qaidah An-Noraniah’, which is a special method for teaching Quran recitation that has proven to be very efficient for learning and correcting pronunciation for native and non-native Arabic speakers.


The school is a branch of a well-established Quran School in Menya, Egypt where thousands of students from all over the world memorised the Quran and graduated. ( The Principal and the Director of Newcastle Quran School are both Hafiz (memorised the entire Quran) with Ijaza and they too are graduates from Menya in Egypt. Alongside other members of the school board, together they have founded the school in Newcastle as an extension of the school in Menya. The school follows a special curriculum developed by the parent school which is designed to help students memorise and revise the Quran in accordance with their individual abilities.

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